Hi I'm Celine. No I don't expect you to know me - hence this tab. I don't expect myself to update this tab every other year either, so you don't have to ask my age, though you can probably guess my age if you are keen to stalk my whole blog lol. Anyway, I have trouble coming up with my bio as I don't want to sound self-absorbed but haaaaaaaaa in the end this is my blog, I am supposed to sound self-absorbed. I am married with three cats and four dogs. Did I get your attention now? Alright. For real though, I am currently still a student with a non-midlife existential crisis at the moment waiting for my results to be released which will determine a life or death situation aka will I eventually graduate or not? (p.s. ACCA students, I got your back. *gang sign*) I enjoy mocking and irritating people in my free time, but I also love playing tennis. I live for the satisfaction of sarcasm, but I also do enjoy a good cup of coffee to go with it. I sometimes p...