I'm boooorrrreddd. Heh. :D I just noticed that there are actually a lot of hot guys out there~ D: Just not in Malaysia. -____- Seriously. Malaysia dudes are..hmm. I don't know what to say. (: Eeeeee David Lambert! HAHA. Love his eyes. Alex Watson - younger brother of Emma Watson. I still prefer David Lambert though. ;p Heh. I'm not saying that only white dudes are hot. Asians are hot too okaay. Just not Malaysians, please la. LOL. Like 3rd Degreeee! They're canadians btw. God I miss them. D: Okay sorry Terry looks a lil bit gay here. But still. :) HAHAHA. He ish very very the tallll. AWWWWW. ;P Freakin heart this pic. So shweeet. ♥ Brian deactivated his account or something so I can only get his profile pics. BUT STILLL. ♥ HAHAH. Brian has the most amazing vocals I tell you. The beginning sounds a lot like River Flows In You. But heyyy, it's only a LITTLE PART. XD 3rd Degree had disbanded in July 2010 ...