Alohaaaaaaaaaaa. I am proud to say that I passed all my 3 papers last semester ehehehehe. P1 - 56 P2 - 61 P3 - 64 Hahahahahah at the Professional level, I am super proud of my results please. It may not be the best results lah but at least I still have 6x right LOLOL. As per usual, the subject that I'm most confident with always ends up being the lowest during finals. Don't ask me why lmao, it happened for my F5 and F8 too. It's ok lo, at least I didn't fail for my weaker papers. I was particularly concerned about P2 hahahahaha. You know why? Because I have never passed my internal papers before, ranging between 20+ to 30+ HAHAHAHA. P3 I felt was okay because at least I failed with 4x, reaching 50. P1 was my favourite paper because for all my internals, I studied a day before the exam and still manage to score 6x-7x lmao. But I guess I overestimated myself for finals. It's okay at least I passed! I feel that I'm super lucky lo to pass in my first attempt...