Are almost over. =\
I feel like I haven't done anything productive this holiday.
Such a failure weyh.
A failed 14-year-old human who has probably done nothing but watch Fairy Tail all day.
And, I've been having really absurd dreams these few days. =-=
The weirdest one was I dreamt of Fairy Tail. I was really close to Gray. LOLLLL.
Best dream ever HAHAHA. XD
The other dreams were equally weird.
I don't even feel like talking about it.
Anyways, the training today wasn't so bad.
Ong Xie got injured while jogging around the centre court.
So she couldn't really run during the game.
She still beat me though. :P
Yes, that is how awesome she is, even when she's injured. HAH beat that.
Or maybe because I'm just too weak and noob. Maybe both.
Top 3 Fails of today.
Fail #1
I passed the ball to the other side of the court when the ball isn't ours.
The ball was supposed to be passed to the court beside us. -___- FAIL.
Xie told me some more!! ARGHHH.
Fail #2
I passed the ball to the other court when they've already finished their game wtfff.
DAMN FAIL. =\ So awkward laaaa.
Fail #3
When I was about to walk pass a car, the driver suddenly opened the car door and sneezed.
Scared the living shit outta me la wtf.
I gave him a disgusted look and walked away.
I'll be going to KL on Monday at 9 or 10-ish in the morning.
Mom ain't free so I'm sitting Aunty Shima's car. ( Yeah she has 5 kids. :D )
I don't know if it's going to work out well for me but I'll try my best,
even if it means losing to everyone. :\
I doubt if I'll even win anyone! DUDE I AM SO NOOB.
I wonder why I'd be going there anyway. I'd so totally lose to everyone and embarrass myself. T.T
Well maybe that's the whole point of going there? To gain losing to everyone.
To tell the truth, I have never been to this kind of tournament before.
Therefore I am proud to tell you that I AM EXPERIENCE-LESS. LOL. That isn't even a word.
I feel anxious yet excited about the whole thing.
KL is like every shopper's heaven yo. ( Random fact. I'm not one of them...well, maybe. :D )
Anddddd, I'll be missing yet another magazine meeting and also scout's night. =|
I have never been to scout's night!!! This is so unfair.
A week in KL and I'm gonna miss everything.
TOMORROW! is the last day of training.
And after training! I'd be going to A Famosa.
TO?! To play la of course. ;P
It'd be so fun yeshhh? But after tennis I'd be super sweaty and gross and all.
Oh whateverrrr.
whattoblogsomemore? dunnoeh. :\
Don't miss me too much when I'm in KL kays! XD
Fairy Tail here I come! I'mma finish you up today!
Well, until the latest episode, that is. :D
Wee Wang Wang!
Yes, yes you are.
off to kl.
don't miss me. =)
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