WELL, WHAT CAN I SAY? Although it was hot as hell, tiring as..hell, and pekcek as..hell again, BUT IT WAS (kinda) AWESOME :D hahah. I was on ghost duty in the Chamber of Horror from 10am to 12pm. (first shift ftw!) So it wasn't so stuffy (it WAS stuffy, just not that stuffy). I was the one who used the broom to sapu people's legs. Their reaction damn funny weih. Especially that guy who stepped on my broom. LOL. There were also rude ones who cursed and swore all their way. @.@" "CHAO CB! 不要动我啦!我有心脏病的!我没有骗你!真的!” Lol. If you really have xin zang bing then why did you come in the first place? LAME GUY IS LAME. B| The girls are the best to scare. xD They literally AHH HHHH HHH HHHH HHH -ed the whole time. YESH SOMETHING LIKE THIS. B| Hahaha every time I scare someone, and they scream, my heart is full of happiness I cannot explain! XD /criesofhappiness LOLOL. BUT there were also people who didn't get scar...