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Chapter 218 : Of Sweat And Rain...Kirikirikirikanankiri.

So sorry for not updating for MONTHS.
I know it's been super long.
I miss blogging too.
I used to blog about almost everything that happened haha.
But maybe I got too caught up with everything that's happening in my life,
that I forgot to record it down one by one in this pleasant blog of mine. :)

Well so I just got back from pioneering camp on Sunday.
I was drop-dead-tired lol. Almost died please. Haha.

On the first day I went to school to carry bakau.
Okay lah not really. When I carried the first one I thought I couldn't tahan already.
But thank god lah, still can carry about 10? HAHA. #fail
And then carry those tongkat and water dispenser, forks and spoons for the helpers.
Then here comes the "fun" part.
We sat inside the lorry! .__.
Yeah inside, with all the bakau, tongkat, luggage, water. @_@
It was...okay lah, except when there's bumper.
Bobbed around in the lorry lol.
Then Chah Wei and Chin Tee (who were sitting in front with the driver) sent a text "Are you alive??"
-____- Yeah as if we would die just because we sat in the lorry lols!

We were late, but the Camp Chief was with us so yeah. Advantage. :P
So yeah. Reached there and set up our tent. 
Then only noticed that only St David's brought girls to the camp. 
And another girl from DD. 
That girl right, non-stop texting and calling idek why. 
And she put on eyeliner I think. Dafuq who puts eyeliner to camp seriously. 

Later on they divided us into patrols~ 
I was praying so hard weih. 
Cos every daerah camp I would know, kind of unlucky. 
Got Chah Wei as PL and Chin Tee and Soo Jin as members yay! 
We were literally yes-ing around lols.

I shall skip ze lame stuffs lol.
Interesting part : 
Edmund asked us all to bathe, so we did lah.
Except for the SFI-ians, cos they had to cook for a lot of people I think.
Then idk who lah, call them to stand in a line and sniff each other. XD
I was trying hard not to laugh wtf. But seriously damn funny. 
At around 9pm it was ikatan session. 
I must say that I was a failure (ok still am) cos I didn't know A LOT of ikatans. 
It's like I'm not even worthy to be a CPR. 
Thank the gods that we actually learned all the ikatans they wanted. 
Oh, except for one - Ikatan Filipino. No one knew that. 
We had a test on the ikatans. AND YAY I PASSED HEHE :D
Learnt a lot of things! Am grateful for that. :]

At night there was the usual burung hantu~ 
I didn't get to sleep much lol cos the juniors outside all damn noisy.
Then Chin Tee and Wenhao kept miss-calling me wtf annoying max. 
Blame my tiny un-brave heart. 
They divided us into 2 groups and led us into different places.
For group 2 they led us into some random ally which was effing scary LOL. 
I was shivering. 
When the seniors said "Girls in a pair" my heart suddenly stopped beating so fast heh. 
After the first guy went, Megan and I volunteered. 
Megan damn brave sia. :P 
I held her hand the whole journey. I'm a mouse. 
Then we finally reached! It wasn't the scariest I've went lah, cos maybe the school wasn't as old as St. David's. 
So we waited and waited for everyone to arrive. Freaking tired that time.
So I slept on the road likeaboss XD 
Pity Tung. She always had to go owling on her own. :( 

Next day, we woke up at 5am, as usual in every camp. 
Super cold. We didn't manage to finish the 10 gadgets they asked us to build.
Dafuq 10 gadgets .___. 
Later we had istiadat pagi. I seriously must learn more about that. ;___; 
Kawad kaki session was next.
We were supposedly taught by army people, but they were busy I guess.
So we divided into our own schools. 
We got Aaron as our commander hahahaha. 
But later Edmund joined in .___. 
Idk how many times we hentak-ed our kaki's but I am as hell sure that it was more than 1/2k times lmfao.
He wanted us to hentak 20, 30, 40, 50.............100 times. Dafuq.
We almost died. (again) 
Everyone counted at their own pace so of course it wasn't in sync.
And don't know which fella hentak like damn fast so we had to join him also -__-
In the end, everyone was messed up. 
LOL stupid Edmund lah walao, "SATU SATU SATU SATU" 

We were half-dead by the time it was over. 
Later on it was pioneering session.
Picked Titi Goyang.
Sad to say, that I am also a failure. 
The only thing I knew how to tie was the fourpod and ikatan seraya lol. 
I still have so much to learn! 

Station game was next. 
When I saw watermelons, I immediately thought of that time when we had to squeeze watermelon and apple and orange and oh god huge amounts of saliva in to the bowl.
SHIT MAN. Gross or what. 
K can I just skip the station game details LOL. 
My blogpost getting longer and longer sia hahah. 

We decided to continue building our gadgets since they said they'd fail us if we didn't finish it.
The juniors were helpful that day!
Well, partly because I kind of scolded them a little. XD

"You must help to tie the gadgets cos we won't be here next time and you guys have to tie on your own."
Cool right. I know, I know. k kidding. 

At around 11+ to 12+ the sky was bloodshot red. 
It was like the end of the world, especially when you're at camp and you don't know where to go.
SUPER THANKFUL that I didn't sleep that early, so we had sufficient time to clean up our stuffs to put inside the tent.
They gathered us immediately. 
Honestly speaking, the wind was howling like crazy and it was so scary I could die. T_T 
A few people got themselves wet cos they weren't able to clean their things up on time. 
We all gathered at the open-air hall thingy. 
I couldn't tahan already so I just laid down and slept -__-
Damn ugly. 

At 2am they woke us up and made us play treasure hunt.
It was darn cold. They only gave us 2 lanterns to light our way through. 
So in the end we didn't win lah. But it was quite fun, except for the fact that everyone was not too hyped up about it cos we were so cold and tired LOL.
We terpaksa sleep at the hall there. 
Yes, everyone, boys and girls. 
Okay, as usual, effing cold. Lol. 
I had no sleeping bag k, only had a jacket to cover half of my body lols. 

Next morning we cleaned up our tent all that shit then Edmund checked our gadgets. 
From this, I can 100% conclude that I am a failure lol.
Let's skip this part okay. :) 

When our patrol got back to the troop, Wee Kee made us kawad. 
Then he called me up wtf -___-
Arah tetap. Luckily I did that once in school. 
I agak agak know abit  :P 
Luckily weh command in school before. 
Or else have to mempersiasuikan diri in front of everyone ohgod.
Hmm so yeah, we cleaned up the school, everything. 

Haha in every camp, 
This is meeee. 

So that's it.
Yeah it's kinda boring if you ask me but....hee. 


I miss you so much panda! :D 



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