Whazzup! So the AGM for scouts was held just now after school. And yeah I was practically super nervous and scared. Why? Cos...aiya, you know lah, scared I can't get the post I aimed for, and the speech. Lol. The nervousness was quickly fading away when the girls of the cou gai gang (Ah Nee, Tung, Megan and I) discussed about how the agm was gonna be held. Ahhh, good times, good times. :P But then without all the laughter, I got really tense in class. Heart pumped damn fast thinking about AGM. Overreacting? Nah don't think so. You wouldn't understand the feeling. LOL. Seriously fcking scared you know? So then everyone started asking where the AGM is going to be held -.- Cos they didn't state it at the notice board. Thennnnnnn everyone started to be frantic cos nobody prepared the speech except for Chah Wei. Lmao. The Cou Gai Gang was isolated from the juniors. Hahah. Then they let us kawad -__- UNDER THE FREAKING HOT SWELTERING SUN. Dafuq right. :C Pusing here and t...