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Chapter 222 : 16th Fort Scout

I've joined 16th Fort since 2009 when I was only a small innocent child. (Okay fine, still the same height as last time. Failed growing/hormones. -___-) I remembered the first day of scouts meeting, I think we learnt kawad basics? Yee Ling - the Troop Leader of 2008/09 scouts committee, lead our group. She made learning kawad so much easier and fun. She had the humour and that cheerful look which, I think, was the main reason why I continued scouting. Thank you, Yee Ling, for making my first year of scouting a blissful and exciting one. :)

First camp ever - Orientation Camp 2009 
Honestly I thought camp was all about campfires and marshmallows, like what we see in comic books or tv shows. Little did I know that it'd be so tiring. Hahaha.
I remembered sharing the tent with Maureen, Nee Yen, and Tung. It was SO hot lah that time, sweat like hell. The amount of mosquitoes wasn't really helping either.

First Burung Hantu Experience
They woke us up with pots and pans. (Yeah literally.) Since it was our first camp, of course we didn't know a thing. They brought us to the basketball court and asked us to blindfold ourselves. They told us chilly ghost stories that made our hair stand on its end. One of the ghost stories, I remembered, was about a girl who committed suicide in the last cubicle of the girls' toilet. And once in a while, she'd come out and ask "Am I pretty?" while combing her hair. Holy shit right? :P
-I just got to know from Soon Aik that all the ghost stories were untrue and were all made up by seniors. Ha.
So, I think I was the first one to get called up to experience owling (burung hantu). At that time I was tremendously terrified. Then - thank God - I saw Tung standing there too. A sigh of relief gushed through my body. We started our "journey". Wait - I actually remember the whole journey. LOL. We started walking through the back of the hall....then we saw Mark behind the hall door. He must be damn brave to stand there alone yo. Later, we saw Sandra and Xin Ying with her hair untied like a ghost. I was quite relieved that time, cos there were people around us. (But I was still shit scared lah. -.-) We went through the KH bengkel and got to the field. I remembered hearing sounds - but I don't know if it was only my imagination. Tung and I kept praying and praying (YES that was how scared we were. Dammit.) but we finished it eventually.
-To be fairly honest with you, I am still scared of burung hantu in every camp I go to. I am a coward. Still finding a way to fish out my bravery. 

During 2009, we didn't get to go for many camps cos of  H1N1. Despite that, I still think 2009 was one of the best years of scouting. Aww I kind of miss those days. :(

Not gonna blog about 2010 and 2011 cos by then my post would be freaking ass long.
I only remembered during Usaha Camp 2010 I became APL for Helang Troop alongside with Chah Wei as PL. HELANG FTW! :3 Got Best APL for that camp. (Tbh, I didn't even know what I did to get it. -.-)
For that year, me, Nee Yen, Yi Zhi and Chah Wei became AJK's for scouts committee 2010/11.

Half the gang of my beloved cou gai's hahahaha. 

Well, at the beginning of 2012, there comes a REALLY, REALLY, AMAZINGLY, HARD DECISION to make.

During form 1 I was damn determined to take. Then form 2 and 3 I started hesitating a little. I didn't know what to do. Practically lost. Form 4 was the deciding year. I thought of all the consequences of taking and not taking...eventually I decided not to take.

In the midst of not knowing what happened, I suddenly had the urge to take the test. I decided I was going to face all the challenges that may come to me. (Damn I sound so optimistic and narcissistic here, it scares me.)

Thank you Ah Nee for going through scouting all this while with me.
And also Megan. <3 

Because I definitely learnt a lot of things, created bonds with friends I didn't think I'd become close with. :)
Learnt life lessons (lol don't ask me what.)
Be more initiative to learn more than what I already know. learn Vietnamese. HAHAHA. (Only CPR's will know this. Heh. :P)

We just finished our marching competition on Wednesday. We had to practise in a rush because we only had a week to do so. We only practised for 3 days. Lmao. Learnt 3 formations in approximately 3 hours. We didn't perfect the formations or marching, but that's alright, we tried our best anyway. You know what's the best thing? We sang our lungs out at the padang after we finished. Sang Ombala, and other scout songs. And, we had the best King Scout commander and troop leader. :) I respect Aaron. He's really nice. In fact, I think all the past TL's of 16th Fort are awesome. <3
The ones I know are Soon Aik, Yee Ling, Sandra and Aaron. Tepuk tepuk - PENGAKAP! 

Le retarded photo of me on Tung's shoulders hammering a tongkat. 

I am only halfway through to achieve the King Scout's Award.
I hope I am strong enough to go through the test.
And I hope my fellow CPR's - Nee Yen, Tung, Megan, Soo Jin, Chah Wei, Chin Tee, Wenhao, Nicholas, Chia Hoe, and Yong Yik, can pass this test with me. (Gah we must take a picture together some time!)

-Don't worry Yi Zhi, if you're reading this, we won't forget you. You are still forever a 16th fort SCOUT!
Once a scout, always a scout! :P 

16th Fort Scout - United We Stand, Divided We Fall. 

I'm sorry if I have ever agitated anyone in the past or present.
And if anything, I apologize.

I love you guys. 

P.S. - You might notice that I haven't written THE END yet. That's because, there is no end. 


aka Wen Wen XD 


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