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Chapter 226 : KOREA! + Updates

Almost 3 months of not updating my blog....which is why I'm here. So my internet wasn't functioning for the last 2 weeks. Let me tell was beyond horrible. I called Streamyx (for the first time aha :D) and the operator told me lots of crap. Told me to check all the blinking lights and such. To tell you the truth I don't like talking through the phone because I ALWAYS can't get what people are saying lol. Then she said she'll call us back in 24 hours blahhh. The next day a technician came to my house. And, he couldn't even find Google Chrome on my desktop (I use Rocketdock so it's located above). He told us our modem was the problem; not their line. SO, my mom and I went to PC World to check. The dude said our modem was FINE. -______- I went back to check and no it was not fine. Rawr.

After 2 days I went to my aunt's place to stay before our trip to Korea. YES. KOREA. It was like a dream come true. :D Alright I ain't gonna talk much about the trip because I lost the schedule. In short, it was amazing. Everything was cool except for the food haha. I am gonna be 100% honest here. The food for the first few days was okay. Then I started to get grossed out. Because they eat the same kind of food EVERY SINGLE DAY. Either steamboat or bbq. No changes at all. The only meal I looked forward to everyday was breakfast. LOL. It has more variety okay. T_T

You know what's the saddest part? I reached Incheon on the 2nd of December but Big Bang returned on the 1st. When I saw the tweet, my reaction : FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Anyways, the REAL sad thing which happened on the 2nd/3rd day was that I lost my phone! :(  I don't know how it happened; I remember taking it out to convert something in the bus, then I put it back in my Kipling sling bag. After we reached the 2nd hotel (We stayed in 4 hotels in total lol), I found out it was missing. Dang it. And at that time, my stomach was weird. Oh right, I vomited and had diarrhea on the first day. So darn unlucky. Then again, I was the first victim. Jia Wei and Uncle Su Lim were victims of vomiting too. I think it must be the food.

Aside from all the bad luck, we saw SNOW! I saw snow for the very first time in my life. Freaaking awesome okay! I threw snowballs (It wasn't exactly a ball...What? It's hard to make one you know.) at my cousins lol. The snow was fun AT FIRST. It still is lah. But when it gets too much, you'll eventually grow tired of it. When we were in Everland, it started snowing, not so heavily at first, then it got heavier and heavier. So almost all the rides were closed =.= We managed to only go for like 5 rides. Close enough. We got tonnes of pictures in the snow though. The Christmas atmosphere was freaking awesome!!! It was like a fairy tale hahaa. At first I wanted to go for the Pororo 3D show but my cousins thought it was childish. NOOOO PORORO IS NEVER CHILDISH. Didn't manage to see it anyway laaa, the snow was too heavy. And nobody wanted to watch it with me. T___T

All in all, I don't think I'll ever leave Malaysia. Even though sometimes it really IS DAMN FREAKING HOT, it's still the best country you can ever live in. Seriously. Now I understand why people say they're tired of snow. Lol, 4 days of seeing snow and I already wish I was back in Malaysia. Okay, maybe not the snow. Maybe the weather. Damn cold laah. Malaysia is awesome, mainly because of the food (HAHA). Korean foooood...meh. I think Malaysia's the best.


So, I don't think I did anything productive for the past month. It's just the same old routine everyday. Watch tv, internet, plants vs zombies, eat, sleep, eat. O_O

I feel like a pig.

Maybe I am one. >:D

OH YES. I have a new phone now, but my number still remains lah. But that's not the point. The point is, now I have Whatsapp, Viber, Line, Cubie and KakaoTalk! So you can just find me there. Don't need to waste money texting already. Cos I pokai liao lah. The older I get, the more credit I use dammit. I used to save until 100+ k! Now .____. SIGH.


I seriously miss blogging man.



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