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Chapter 242: CNY!

Finally got my ass back to this space here. Hahaha. I'd been getting real lazy to update it. BUT, since I have nothing to do, I shall write something. Wait, what am I talking about? I always have nothing to do. *sudden realization* *cries and go to a corner* K. 

CNY celebrations this year was amazing! Other than having more angpao money than last year (just my guess lolol I don't really compare angpao money), I got to spend it by meeting up with a few of my closest friends too! THOUGH I WOULD REALLY WANT TO MEET MISS CHONG PHUI ZEE RIGHT NOW. She's currently in Australia and I miss her like crazy. Hahah. She'll be back in less than a month's time though. 

So anyways, CNY started off with the same routine, as always. We had our annual reunion dinner with my father's side of the family one day earlier. WE HAD STEAMBOAT. You know what's the best part of steamboat? TAUKEY. It is called 豆支 in mandarin. If you don't know what that is, here: 

IT IS THE BEST THING IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. I can just drool while imagining it. I had tonnes of these hahahaha. Wah okay, I hungry already. Haven't eaten my breakfast yet. :'( 

Then on the actual day of reunion dinner, we had a simple one at home. It's funny how nowadays, the reunion dinner isn't as important anymore. What's important is the pictures. Purpose? To upload it on Facebook. Why? To garner more likes. Am I not right? When you scroll Facebook on Chu Xi, all you see are pictures and pictures of FOOD. Lol. 

So on the first day of CNY, we went on with our normal routine. Bandar Hilir was the first stop as usual.

With le cousins! Our colours are so nice right 8D

Actually I have nothing to talk about CNY hahahahahahha. Haih T_T 

The highlights are definitely the yamcha sessions. 

With Jia Ying!!! I miss this girl's laughter so much ahhahahah. So glad to finally meet her again! 

Jia Ying and Xin Yi :))) 

Xin Yi has been my friend since we were 7. I am really so happy to have her in my life because she always listens to my crap without complaining about it. I repeat my drama all over again and yet she still listens. Really grateful for her and I hope our friendship never ends. <3 nbsp="" p="">

Next! The hangout with my crazy Bijes lolololol. 

Too bad Chin Tee had to go back to his camp early so he and Andelin couldn't join us! :'( 
(P.S. I miss our BBQ day!) 

We were trying to do the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 pose lolol. The other pictures quite blur lah dowan upload here. 
Omg my hair is kind of long already 8D 

After Karaoke we went for badminton. And no, I do not know how to play badminton. In a correct way, at least. AFTER THAT SESSION I FINALLY KNEW HOW TO PLAY THE CORRECT WAY MUAHAHAHAHA. And after that session, I also got reaaaaaaaally sick lols. 

Major headache when I woke up the next day holy mama. I stayed in bed for the whole day. T_T  I was dead tired no matter how much I slept. It was THAT bad. Luckily, I'm fine now. No big deal. Heh. 

Boring me shall end this boring cny post lol. /cries and hides in my corner/ 

Hope you have a great day! 



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