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Chapter 247: Childhood memoirs

I am so sorry for the abandonment again. LOL. I didn't know I was away for so long hehe. Anyway I don't think many people come here either. I shall say sorry to the future me then. HI.

Today I'mma blog about my childhood memories. I think my favourite phase of my life is during the kindergarten days. Damn, we were so young and had no worries for the world. The worst thing that happened was having my friends ignore me during playtime. Lolol. I secretly cried when they weren't watching. Sad me.

During kindergarten, I was always one of the earliest- if not the earliest- to reach school, because both my parents were sec school teachers (my mom still is) and they needed to reach early. No, I wasn't alone. I had my childhood buddy, Aaron, to accompany me hahahah. We always reach before the sun came out. So naturally, we became best buds. (Wait no, please don't expect this to be a typical love story lol.)

Hello we iz so kawaii desu ^^v 

This was taken last year. Yes we have been friends since 4 years old. LOL. 
Having been in the same class as him every year except for 2012. :) 

Dev the hairy monstah and me. Haha known him in kindy then met again in St. David's. :D 

I shall continue!
Best time was recess of course! I always loved what the Kakak cooked for us!!!! And that was when I learnt how to eat sambal lol. One of Kakak's best dishes was Nasi Lemak. I always put the sambal aside. Then one day another good friend of mine, Nikheita (now people call her Andrea), urged me to try. Best. Decision. Ever. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Another dish I loved was the porridge. OMG. I would die to have one bowl right now. I always asked for a few more helpings hehehehe. Tamchiak me. Ok to be honest, I only remember these two lah. Awesome dishes. The others were great too! Kakak's dishes are the best!
I remember once it was Dev's birthday and he ordered KFC for all of us awwww. I was super excited! LOLOL. FOOD FOOD FOOD.

Hmm. What about the classes? I admit that I forgot everything already. Oh. Right. I remember cheating during a spelling test hahahahaha. Ikr. Only 6 years old and cheating already. You can definitely see my bright future. I wrote everything in a small piece of paper, folded it and slipped it into the pocket of my bag. When the teacher turned her back, I'd look down and see the paper. LOL. I taught this tactic to my other best friend (not gonna mention name here sorry) and she got caught. Oops. So that made me kinda like a double bad person. I cheated and taught my friend how to cheat and made her got caught. Oh wait that's three. Shoot...

I went to Pantai Hospital to take part in a colouring competition with the friend above. Obviously I simply coloured??? LOL cos of the lack of time. I told her that both of us would get prizes and we would go back happily. During the announcement, the organizing people gave us each a goody pack (which contained lots of stuff a kid would love). All the kids were cramped up in one space. I was surprised to have won the first prize though hahahahahaha. I went up and conveniently left my goody pack on the floor. I won a HUGE box of other goodies, which was great. In my mind I thought: "Wah nice. I have this AND the goody pack..." When I came back, the goody pack went missing. Dang it. I immediately went emo despite winning a huge box of things in replacement. I wonder who the hell stole it though. I think I cried on the way home LOL. To whoever who stole it, F U. Jealous of people then simply steal lah nowwwww. See lah. Until now I still remember. IT MADE A HUGE IMPACT OF MY LIFE. *emo* Kidding laa. But still.

Okok another story.
There was this one girl (No mention of names of people who did bad things LOL) who lied to me saying that she had surgery for new eyeballs. I believed. Lol. She said they dug out her "old" eyeballs and threw them in the dustbin and replaced it with new ones. Fak man I actually believed in that ridiculous bullshit story. THERE WAS THIS OTHER GIRL (She went to the same sec school as the one above. Coincidence? I think not) who always uses her evil tactics to try to make Aaron hate me LOL. SO MANY TIMES he ignored me and played with her instead. Oh my God I despised her so much. XD I heard she isn't that much liked in her sec school though. Well, serves her right for being so bitchy at such a young age, trying to steal my best friend away hahahahahah. Ok lah no lah. I hope you become a better person in the future. Don't steal people's best friends okay walao. Not nice. B(

During graduation day, we all had to perform. I was assigned for story-telling. I think it was about the Boy Who Cried Wolf. Forget edi lah freaking 12 years ago. Worst part was I forgot like a whole section of the story on the graduation day itself. I could feel all the eyes on me, waiting in anticipation for me to continue the damned story. Luckily I was smart enough to just skip the whole part and continue the story lol. My parents told me that one of the parents laughed at me. Wah okay thanks a lot mister, I hope your kid faced the same thing too. I remember the teachers help us put on makeup. Lololol. I didn't expect lipstick to be so dry and gross. The guys had to put on lipstick too hahahahaha.

From left to right: Aaron, Dev, iforgothisnameoops, Me. 
We so fab yo. 

We danced Lenggang Kangkung I think. 

Sigh. There goes the best phase of my life. Hehe. I really enjoyed it. I am surprised at how much I remembered, maybe not in the same way, but still. I loved the sandbags, sticks and all sorts of stuff. I loved acting as characters in Lizzy McGuire. I loved forming a gang with all my lovely buds (Some I still do contact.). I loved making arts and crafts. I loved the food there. I loved everything about my kindergarten. I heard that the kindergarten is no longer there. The principal had migrated to Australia with her family. Aww. It's too bad though. It's okay. The memories will not change. :) Tadika Sri Setia for life!

I shall write about my primary school life next maybe.



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