Hey ho! I successfully survived two weeks of class yoohoooo~~ I also got to know who my roommate was, after waiting for like 5 days hahaha. She left a small luggage before I arrived. So my friends came up with lots of weird conclusions like maybe she was in the luggage or maybe she's watching me somewhere lololol these people. I also got paranoid and started searching for hidden cams WTF. Then I came with a LOGICAL conclusion that she was either taking AUSMAT or A Levels because both these courses start on the 12th. My logic was right. Pfft. DUH?! LOL. I mean, who would think of hiding cameras in the room right?! *whistles* She arrived on a Sunday night. To be honest, I've actually practised how I'd introduce myself and tell her stuff when I finally meet her. XD But as always, life doesn't go the way we want to LOL. The atmosphere was supaaah awkward. I talked to her mom though; didn't change the fact that it was awkward HAHAHAH. After her parents left, I initia...