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Chapter 283: Impressions on Lecturers + SAC Ice-breaking session

Hey ho! I successfully survived two weeks of class yoohoooo~~

I also got to know who my roommate was, after waiting for like 5 days hahaha. She left a small luggage before I arrived. So my friends came up with lots of weird conclusions like maybe she was in the luggage or maybe she's watching me somewhere lololol these people. I also got paranoid and started searching for hidden cams WTF. Then I came with a LOGICAL conclusion that she was either taking AUSMAT or A Levels because both these courses start on the 12th. My logic was right. Pfft. DUH?! LOL. I mean, who would think of hiding cameras in the room right?! *whistles*

She arrived on a Sunday night. To be honest, I've actually practised how I'd introduce myself and tell her stuff when I finally meet her. XD But as always, life doesn't go the way we want to LOL. The atmosphere was supaaah awkward. I talked to her mom though; didn't change the fact that it was awkward HAHAHAH. After her parents left, I initiated a bit of conversation lah. And we just talked for a while then we slept -__- We're not so awkward now so that's good.

Ok back to 7th of January. First day of class! We had Writing Skills. They'd swapped our English lecturers so we got Ms Catherine. I perceived her as a super duper fierce and strict lecturer because Ms Jeanne said so lmao. Surprisingly, she was okay. I'm glad we got her because if we got back Ms Jeanne we'd probably flunk WS. Not because Ms J isn't good; it's because we're too friendly with each other that Ms J would dismiss us early every time. So basically we don't learn much in her class last sem. With Ms Cat I hope we'd do better.

Next day was Audit class and FFA (Financial Accounting). Audit started first. Our lecturer is Ms Letchumy. I perceived as a fat and short and maybe middle aged woman. Hahahahah okay I sound so shallow but Ernest said so too ok! Instead, she was tall, NOT fat and quite young. She'd produced many World Prizes and Malaysian Prizes over the years; one of it being my high school senior. She told us a lot of stories and how tough Audit actually was. She also told us that the examiner is an overemotional PMS-y bitch. Ok she didn't say it in those exact words but she meant it that way hehehe. You know, my impression on the first day was quite good. On the second lesson I GOT BORED TO DEATH LOL. Everyone, basically, not only me. :P Maybe her teaching style didn't appeal to me. All she did was ask us to highlight stuff on the textbook. She didn't even give us her own notes like the other lecs. The only notes she gave was the one from BPP. Third lesson was when she started telling us LOTS OF STORIES. Omg, some were not even relevant to the topic lololol. But then she also thought us how to do questions so that's fine. She had her techniques so I'm not gonna say she's bad. I just gotta get used to her teaching style.

Our lec for FFA is Ms Fei Ling! The one lecturer I respect a lot because she'd won 4 Prizes and a gold medal omg. She's so chill and said it like it was no big deal when we asked HAHAHA "4 only whut. And a gold medal." So chic. She'd conducted our EDC last sem so we more or less knew her style. This is a lecture you wouldn't want to miss even a minute for, because she teaches SO FAST. Also, you wouldn't want to NOT do her homework else she's gonna kick you outta the class. She's a very techy person. She uses her iPad to teach us! She said she writes super fast because ACCA had trained her to write fast during her time. When she first started her job, she could barely type properly. Um yeah I guess that's it. A good lecturer. :)

Last but not least, Mr Simon, our Tax lec! He's the one who hates people being late. He proclaimed that he's not a nice guy but in reality he's actually quite nice LOL. His lectures are the most interesting. He tells us his experiences and stories to teach us real life stuff. He doesn't want us to live our lives boringly. Plus, sometimes he'd add in a few vulgarities to make the stories more realistic hahahaha. The first class he'd already scolded "Niama" and we laughed until cannot. Omg. One of the most steady lecs around. Just don't be late. And everything will be fine lolol.

This is what I can conclude at the moment because we'd only been through a few classes. Who knows? I might find out something new about them each day.

Have I told y'all that I'd be chosen as one of the sub-committee of SAC? SAC stands for SunwayTES Accountancy Club. Yeah, I know, it sounds boring right? Ironically SAC organizes activities which are not related to accounting. Ok, not all but you get the drift. I'd applied for a position and was surprised to be one of them.

The ice-breaking session started off with introducing ourselves. We (Shu Yie, June and Yoong Yoong) came in late because Mr Simon delayed our class. everyone stared...

To be frank, I don't like introductions LOL. It's because everyone's eyes will be on me and I shy HAHAHA. After that we had lunch. I regretted not taking more because after the session I got hungry in class fml T____T

Ok so. I got my food and drink and sat an awkward potato. I WAS SO AWKWARD. Gosh. I thought I'd be the loner there but thankfully, the girls started to sit around me. I was so grateful though I was still awkward lmao. We started talking and introducing ourselves again and chat. I talked mostly to Jess Minn (a senior) and Lynn (July intake). Jess Minn was very matured but I think we could click. Lynn was cute and jumpy but she kept saying she was awkward hahahah.

I also met Aaron Matthew's cousin. What a coincidence huh. When he said his cousin is Aaron Matthew I was like OHHHHHHHHHHH. LMAO. Hope he wasn't shocked by my reaction hahahahah.

Our last activity was the Winking Game. We played this game during orientation before so it wasn't a problem. Basically there will be chairs to create a circle. Half of the crowd will sit on the chair while the other half will stand behind the chair. Only one chair is empty. The one standing behind the empty chair must therefore wink to one of the people sitting on the chair. The person will have to run to the empty seat. BUT, the person standing behind the one who is being winked at must be fast enough to hold the person from running away. If that happens, the winker must move on and try to wink to other people. The game continues.

It was so hilarious because you get to see the personalities of people ahahahah. I laughed like shit. The SAC committee is hilarious as hell. I foresee many many more kinds of hilarious antics in the future. Can't wait for the next activity!

Pic stolen from William. XD

Till next time!



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