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Chapter 291: Why It's Okay To Have Other Options

People often think that our SPM results and the subjects you take in high school reflect the careers that we're striving for in the future. When in fact, I think it's perfectly okay to pursue other courses other than what should be the "norm" for yourself.

1. Getting Straight As doesn't mean I should pursue Medicine
Um yeah. Last year I was asked by a friend what I am currently doing, I answered accounting and she was partially shocked. She asked me why didn't I take Medic instead since my results are so good. Firstly, I don't think that my results were "so good", because there are a lot of people with straight As and I was just one of the few lucky ones. Secondly, my science subjects were just so-so. A+ for Chemistry, A for Physics and A- for Biology. I understand that what we learn in high school is merely the tip of the iceberg. There is SO MUCH MORE TO LEARN and if I can't cope with the ones in high school, I don't think I'd be able to follow up in University. I don't have much interest in science subjects too. I'm not sure why, but maybe it isn't for me. I'm glad I was in the science stream though. The learning part was interesting, but not the examinations. Hahahaha. I'm not saying that you shouldn't pursue science if your results are similar to mine, hey, if you're interested and would work hard for it, go ahead man, the world is yours. I'm just not really interested.

2. It's not compulsory for a science stream student to continue pursuing science in the future
An ex-classmate of mine dropped Accounts at the end of Form 4. No, it wasn't because she couldn't cope it; in fact she had gotten full marks for one of the exams. We asked her why? She said she wasn't going to take up accounting anyway so why bother? And it would be a waste to not pursue something in the science field when you've been taking science all these years. I'm sorry but I have to disagree with you. I think learning is a long process and it's not wrong to learn something even though we're not gonna pursue it further next time. So are you saying that I am wasting all those years of learning science subjects by taking up accounting? True, I may not LOVE science, but I DID learn a whole lot of stuff, and I appreciate it a lot.

My mom had advised me to take up science stream because it would give me a lot more options in the future. And it doesn't hurt to learn more stuff. No, I definitely do not think I wasted my time studying science.

3. It's okay to follow what you really want to do
You wanna be a graphic designer? Go for it. You wanna go into the business field? Sure. You wanna do logistics? Why not? People these days should understand that everybody has different interests. Just do whatever the fuck you want and don't give a shit to what others think. It's your life anyway. Don't allow your life to be controlled by nosy people who just loves commenting on people's lives rather than their own. But of course don't quarrel with your parents over this. I know some parents are not really supportive but just talk it out nicely and figure out a proper solution. Easier said than done sigh. I know of friends who have talent in the art industry but has to pursue what their parents want them to do. Parents only want the best for us so I don't blame them. But if your choice is criticized by someone other than your parents, just walk away. They don't matter. Not even your relatives that you see once a year during Chinese New Year.

Alright. That's all. These are the main ones I could think of. On a side note, I'm starting ACCA tomorrow! Orientation is at 9am and at 12pm we start class already. LOL. The textbooks are so thick but I doubt we'd actually use them so often. We're probably gonna be given notes and the textbooks will be clean, new and untouched at the end of the semester. Oh, and I think my scholarship includes resource fees and MPU tuition fees too? LOL. Because the "debt" for programme fees in iZone automatically became zero and it includes resource fees and MPU subs too. They didn't touch my previous entrance scholarship as well. Wa what a surprise! Thanks ah XD

Feeling so hungry now. I just realized I'd forgotten to bring some milo up. Worst of all, I even forgot my bedsheet! I had to go to Pyramid to buy new ones. Don't worry it was on 70% discount hahahahha.

Okay. Off I go!



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