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Chapter 293: The Moment I Knew...

As I awoke, I tried my best to keep my eyes open. Oily face, unkempt hair, frustrated me; the typical look in the morning. Thank God it was the last paper...for now, of course. I dragged my soulless body to the washroom to wash up, and proceeded to drag it further down the exam hall. 

"Alright, I am totally fine. Let's just get this over with." I tried to talk positively to myself. I felt good, too. After all, it was the last paper. After the student invigilators gave out the papers, I looked down at the few pieces of papers in front of me. Never would I have imagined what was hiding behind them.

"F5 students, your reading time starts now." the head invigilator's voice boomed through the microphone. I heaved a long sigh and flipped the first page. What welcomed me was a two-paged long essay. Was I expecting this? No. Was I supposed to? Not at all. Was I shocked? Surprised? Definitely. Did everyone else feel the same way? Most probably. 

I thought, "Okay...let's see what else there is." as I flipped page by page, noticing that almost all the pages were filled with an abundant of words. Oh my, it was getting out of hand. I suddenly remembered that our lecturer had mentioned specifically that there would be 20 objective questions and 4 subjective questions. I searched high and low for the objective questions, and this time I noticed that all 4 long questions in this paper were worth 25 marks each. I cursed under my breath, wondering what our class did to agitate the lecturer that he would heartlessly set questions that boggled our poor minds. 

I slowly turned back to page 2 to see what questions he had in stored for us. My eyes scanned through the question the first time. I laughed because I could not fathom it at all. I reread it just to make sure that I did not miss something. The question required us to explain how rolling budgeting works, or something like that. Sure, I'd read that in FAB before but I was never taught the details and the implications of rolling budgeting. How ridiculous! 

 When I finally saw a sub-question that I could do, I rejoiced. At least there was something I could do! But I crumbled to silence when I realized that it was merely ONE sub-question that I knew, and I could not even guarantee to get full marks for that. 

My ears perked up as I heard someone ask the invigilator if it was the correct paper that we received. My spirits were lifted. Aha! At least someone else noticed! I think the invigilator was somehow annoyed. I was a hundred percent sure that she did not bother to contact anyone in charge because a few minutes later she boomed into the microphone again, "F5 students for G1 and G2, this is the correct paper set by Mr Akbar. Please continue doing even if there are no objective questions." (Yep, definitely annoyed.) My heart sank once again. The crowd went wild; my jaw dropped wide open. This is totally a sick absurd joke, I thought to myself. 

The P4 students sat just right beside us were probably thinking that we were some obnoxious spoiled kids who could not do without objective questions. I wanted to clarify myself by shouting that it was not about the objective questions; Heck, we did not sign up for this. This time, I contained myself and started to calm down, but deep inside I knew I was going to fail this paper, whether I liked it or not. Then, I just completely gave up and stared blankly at the long essays. 

From the side, I could scarcely see one invigilator whispering to another invigilator. Then they spread the message to the rest. The leader announced, "F5 students, we have confirmed with SunwayTES that this is not your exam paper." Oh, what joy! Half the hall burst with laughter till the invigilator had to calm us down. We received our real exam paper after waiting for a whole hour. I guess they needed time to photocopy for a hundred plus students. And the rest was history. 

HAHAHAH. Ok I admit that most parts were exaggerated to add to the dramatic feel, so that it is as if you were there with me. It was just something I wanted to do after I experienced this. Plus I haven't been writing shorts like these for quite some time now so why not? Typing this was so much fun and I think I would do this more often if I have the time. (Probably not because of my current schedule but I'll try.) I wanted to post a shorter version of it on Facebook but it would be a bit weird to make this a big thing.

Hope you had as fun reading this as I had writing this up. Thanks for reading!



  1. Hi I have started F5 and alot of people told me that it is very hard and I should do it after f9..They say that I have taken a wrong decision.Now that I have started f5 please tell me some good ways to prepare for f5 and pass f5 in my first attempt..Please


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