Helloooo, I've been waiting for the 14th to come so that I can blog something HAHAHA
Time flies. I've already been in KPMG for a month now. And from Day 1 until now, I've definitely learned a lot of things. Here's a few, including life in general, not in sequence.
1. Being blur in the beginning is perfectly normal.
I panicked a lot in the beginning because I just wasn't sure. Like when they asked me go down to ITS to pass/get stuff, I got lost so I had to ask around. Now the ITS is like my second home HAHAHAHAHA ok just kidding. And I also learned how to print letters, despatch items, bind documents, scan and photostat documents etc. These are pretty simple tasks but it's the foundation of everything we're going to do. I feel very accomplished when I manage to do something, at least, to contribute to the firm LMAO.
2. Almost everyone is good in presentations.
I realized this during our trainings. We were asked to write down our opinions and present them in a short amount of time, and I noticed that almost everyone was able to present properly, which pushed me to want to do better. And what I liked was that everyone was very proactive so that's nice. Then it kinda hit me that if we weren't in the slightest bit good in presenting, we wouldn't all be here, would we?
3. Don't listen to too many rumors.
I've heard a lot of bad rumors about audit life, so I had my expectations kept to the minimum. I was quite taken aback as it totally didn't reflect what others had told me. I don't know if it's because it's the non-peak season now? Because the seniors were really helpful in teaching us stuff. It'll probably be different when the peak season comes, but I'll update y'all on that. I guess for most of the time, you'd have to experience it on your own instead of merely listening to others.
4. The distance from 1U Dataran to office is really darn far.
Lmao okay this is just a random non-beneficial thing. HAHAHA. It's basically the same distance from Pyramid to College. To the peeps who park in Pyramid and walk to Col everyday, I feel you. And can I say that there were a few places I passed by which reeks? Idk what smell that is but it's really disgusting lmao.
5. You're in charge of your own life and responsibilities now.
I'm glad I got the chance to further my studies in a place other than home, albeit not being out of the country. At least I knew something about living away from home. It's just that now I'm earning and using my own money. People may say that I'm too young to graduate and come out to work (Yes, my own cousin said that to me), but I think it's great that I managed to clinch a professional degree in 3 years. What's wrong with wanting to let my mom lead an easier life?
6. Just Do It.
In life, we always make mistakes. But through mistakes, we learn. I regret not having this attitude during college days. I always made myself wait, because I needed time to "settle down". You know what? Fuck settling down. You can settle down sooner or later. But chances don't come by easily. If you're given an opportunity to do something, just do it, don't think anymore. Which is why this time, when my friend asked me to join the Tennis team, I said yes straight away. I am participating in the Inter-firm Accounting Games (IAFG) 2017 HAHAHAHA. I honestly don't know how it'll go but I'll do my best for sure.
7. Don't Rush.
The thing about me is... I tend to rush, be it during work or anything in general. I rush. Then I make mistakes. Then I get sad. Lololol. It's a vicious cycle. I should learn how to slow down, let life take place, and just chill. No one is releasing a dog to chase you. I guess the saying "you are your own enemy" holds true.
This is all I could think of for now, to my own surprise. I thought I had more to jot down haha. I guess I'll just add them on along my journey. I've successfully adulted for a month! LOLOL. Life is going to get tougher as the time goes by, but I'll just try to enjoy the journey.
Time flies. I've already been in KPMG for a month now. And from Day 1 until now, I've definitely learned a lot of things. Here's a few, including life in general, not in sequence.
1. Being blur in the beginning is perfectly normal.
I panicked a lot in the beginning because I just wasn't sure. Like when they asked me go down to ITS to pass/get stuff, I got lost so I had to ask around. Now the ITS is like my second home HAHAHAHAHA ok just kidding. And I also learned how to print letters, despatch items, bind documents, scan and photostat documents etc. These are pretty simple tasks but it's the foundation of everything we're going to do. I feel very accomplished when I manage to do something, at least, to contribute to the firm LMAO.
2. Almost everyone is good in presentations.
I realized this during our trainings. We were asked to write down our opinions and present them in a short amount of time, and I noticed that almost everyone was able to present properly, which pushed me to want to do better. And what I liked was that everyone was very proactive so that's nice. Then it kinda hit me that if we weren't in the slightest bit good in presenting, we wouldn't all be here, would we?
3. Don't listen to too many rumors.
I've heard a lot of bad rumors about audit life, so I had my expectations kept to the minimum. I was quite taken aback as it totally didn't reflect what others had told me. I don't know if it's because it's the non-peak season now? Because the seniors were really helpful in teaching us stuff. It'll probably be different when the peak season comes, but I'll update y'all on that. I guess for most of the time, you'd have to experience it on your own instead of merely listening to others.
4. The distance from 1U Dataran to office is really darn far.
Lmao okay this is just a random non-beneficial thing. HAHAHA. It's basically the same distance from Pyramid to College. To the peeps who park in Pyramid and walk to Col everyday, I feel you. And can I say that there were a few places I passed by which reeks? Idk what smell that is but it's really disgusting lmao.
5. You're in charge of your own life and responsibilities now.
I'm glad I got the chance to further my studies in a place other than home, albeit not being out of the country. At least I knew something about living away from home. It's just that now I'm earning and using my own money. People may say that I'm too young to graduate and come out to work (Yes, my own cousin said that to me), but I think it's great that I managed to clinch a professional degree in 3 years. What's wrong with wanting to let my mom lead an easier life?
6. Just Do It.
In life, we always make mistakes. But through mistakes, we learn. I regret not having this attitude during college days. I always made myself wait, because I needed time to "settle down". You know what? Fuck settling down. You can settle down sooner or later. But chances don't come by easily. If you're given an opportunity to do something, just do it, don't think anymore. Which is why this time, when my friend asked me to join the Tennis team, I said yes straight away. I am participating in the Inter-firm Accounting Games (IAFG) 2017 HAHAHAHA. I honestly don't know how it'll go but I'll do my best for sure.
7. Don't Rush.
The thing about me is... I tend to rush, be it during work or anything in general. I rush. Then I make mistakes. Then I get sad. Lololol. It's a vicious cycle. I should learn how to slow down, let life take place, and just chill. No one is releasing a dog to chase you. I guess the saying "you are your own enemy" holds true.
This is all I could think of for now, to my own surprise. I thought I had more to jot down haha. I guess I'll just add them on along my journey. I've successfully adulted for a month! LOLOL. Life is going to get tougher as the time goes by, but I'll just try to enjoy the journey.
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