Nah. I'll stick to the old life. Hah.
Isn't it the same anyway?
You're still yourself; and I'm still me.
A New Year doesn't really change anything.
People often say that A New Year's a New Start;
But it's all the same -.-
People get excited for no specific reason. LOL.
And that is sadly, a fact.
Yeah so what? You get older and by saying you gotta be mature doesn't really help.
It just matters if you're mentally prepared for challenges to come by.
If you're not, then FOR WHAT you say you're gonna CHANGE your damn life huh?
Sorry for being rude.
It's just FACTS.
Counting down? OK FINE! I did that too )x
But it's just for the fun of it :P
Tee hee. Haha. So anyway, I'm NOT prepared for school to reopen.
Physically OR mentally. Maybe physically la but definitely not mentally.
Oh btw I changed my layout, again.
The picture above's been missing. O.O
I SWEAR it was there a second, but it went MISSING the next.
OOOOH~ Magic~ XD
I prefer this though, simple and pretty. Me likey~ ♥
And peeps; Happy New Year. HAHA. (L)
Signing off,
JO-KER. ( Yeah I don't feel like changing it. It sounds so cool! Gahaha. )
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