Chapter 133 : Carnival = Excited (?) ;
Most of the people think so. To me, it's just another boring day when you sell stuff but 60% of the profit goes to the school.
Pretty awesome? Not.
Don't you agree that this year's carnival is kinda dull and boring compared to last year's?
Mainly because we have NO time to prepare for anything at all.
We just brought up our flyers today. LOL.
2 days left and I don't think people might see it... Hmm.
Well, better than nothing lah right?
Samantha did the flyers and the Menu. Good job!
I think we only have like half of the tent or something -__-
At least that's what I heard.
We're selling...
Chicken rice,
Mi Soto ( some spicy kind of mee? ),
and I forgot one more.
Ahh. The Magazine Crew is getting real busy. *__*
Because we're out of time. ;(
I need to crack my Photoshop and InDesign. AND a tutor.
Just now Evonne and I were like crazy people running around the whole school to find the classes.
We need the monitors to label their classmates.
THANK GAWD I knew the 2A2 students. I could label them. HAHA. and 2A1.
Tomorrow I'll have to skip Science class to get 2A3, A4 and A5's monitors to the Mag. room.
I wanna do computer stuff. Like the achievements or something.
I don't wanna run errands. It's so not fun and it's embarrassing. LOL.
Oh right. Avery Lowe transferred to our school like weeks ago and I only knew it on Monday.
Gosh, I'm slow. ;P
He told me he called me but I didn't notice. -_-
Swt. Since when lah? Lol.
celine. ♥ loves....
Heyyyy, talk to me. (:
Although I know I'm not the one for you.
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