Chapter 158 : Yadda yadda yadda. Ahhh. Finally I have the time to sit down and type something. Monday was bad. o.O Tuesday was okay. Wednesday was not as bad as Monday but still. Lol. You can totally say that it was the worst week of my life. (: I guess my lucky stars weren't much of a help when it comes to school. :\ Well, first thing's first. I HATE YOUUUUU. >:( Yeah, as if being caught by the teacher twice doesn't wreck your school reputation! IT DOES, I TELL YOU, IT DOES. Maybe I'm just overreacting. NO I'M NOT. IT'S SERIOUSLY GONNA WRECK MY HIGH SCHOOL REPUTATION SIAL. Well, technically, it won't. UNLESS I DO SOMETHING BAD AGAIN, LIKE, STEAL THE TEACHER'S FOOD OR PET RABBIT. :D Uh huh, I just wasn't that lucky on Monday and Wednesday okaaay. Other people could've been the one being caught you know. THEY DID THE SAME THING AS I WAS TOO! :( Oh, forgot to say what I did. :\ I didn't copy the seni notes. :D No, despite the smiley fa...