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Chapter 233: Hangout

Hey. Just got back from hanging out with the cogai gang: Tung, Nee Yen, Chah Wei, Chin Tee, Chia Hoe and Wenhao. Okay, I fail, I didn't take much pictures. Hehe. I'll type more to make up for it. Lolol. Today's hangout was quite productive, better than the previous hangouts where we would just slack around everywhere without any aim. Today, however, was different. HAHA quite fun.

So we went to watch Everybody's Business, a Singaporean movie. Okay ny lah. I'd give it a 6/10.

Story line is quite fresh. About toilets lololol. Front parts were quite funny. I think all in all the movie just wants to tell everyone to be aware of cleanliness not only for the public toilets, but for the whole country as well. But okay lah, honestly I wanted to watch this movie because of Jianhao and Peishi hahahahaha. They played tiny parts in the movie. But omg I didn't know Aloysius Pang was in it too! I hit Tung's hand and said,"OMG OMG LENGZAI!!" Wah siasuay.

Eh actually not only that. When we first entered the cinema (I lead the way), it was pitch black. So I told them: "Eh walao 做么没有人的!!" then suddenly BOOOOOOM the trailers started. THEN ALL OF US SHOUTED HAHAHHAHAH WTF. Freaking funny sial. I hid behind Tung hahahahaha. Even the guys were shocked. Then we laughed and laughed at our stupidity. Omg that was seriously the best part of the hangout man. It's still funny when I think of it. Um. I'm not supposed to tell anyone about this LOLOLOL but whatever lah. Good things must share what hor? And most siasuay thing is THERE WERE PEOPLE in the cinema omg what was I thinking sia. Luckily there weren't many, or else we'd have to hide our faces when we go out. XD Hahaha I love these people lah.

After that, we were too cold. So we decided to go to The Garden to have photosynthesis. Lolol.

Hahaha Nee Yen and Tung emo-ing.

Chia Hoe and Chin Tee getting sunlight for photosynthesis lmao.

The sun was getting stronger so we went inside lah. The guys wanted to buy their clothes for prom. This Chia Hoe hates shopping LOL. He took a damn long time cos he didn't wanna go to the fitting room wth. Thankfully he got a white shirt (is it called a shirt lol idk) with a tie for quite a reasonable price. Chah Wei and Chin Tee bought ties. I recommended them to wear bows, look nice what right? HE SAID GAY wtf. Guys and girls really have a different perspective of life. I mean clothes.

Hi Dog.

Hello. Me and Nee Yen. My hair damn messy wtf.

Hi Chin Tee. Lol. Choosing a tie. 

Then we went to eat lah since Princess Ah Nee was hungry. Hahaha! The Princess thing is an inside joke from camp. Nee Yen acted as a puteri for Malam Kebudayaan (Cultural Night, where we were required to do or act something for everyone to see). From then on we would call her Puteri lolol. 

Pizza Hut! Since I had free coupons. We ordered 3 regular pan. Luckily didn't order four sia wtf. 
Because halfway talking, I decided to announce something big. Heh. I'm not gonna type it out here lah okay. But that something big caused all of them to lose their appetite HAHAHAHAHA. Okay I am really sorry. I planned to say at that time. I really didn't expect their reactions to be this big honestly. Chah Wei's hands were shaking when he cut the pizza LOLOL. It took some time for all of them to digest the "announcement". I could see Chin Tee staring into blank space. Walao, is it that hard to digest ah. I thought all of them knew already. Didn't think it would give such a big surprise to them. Okay, I am satisfied. HAHAHA. Should have said it after we finished eating hor! But sorry lah me big mouth can't hold things in. Hehe. They started to 傻笑 lol and kept asking questions. 

There were 7 of us and we couldn't even finish 3 regular pan pizzas. Walao kua zhang hor? .___. And silly me, I thought it wouldn't be enough. 

Later on we went to Dee's Simplicity to get some pants for Chia Hoe and Chin Tee. Honestly, I can't really tell the difference between all those slacks. They all look the same to me. 

Then then we all went to sing K! Hahaha. Damn cheap okay. But I forgot the name of the KTV. Shit. Nvm. It's located at Aeon Jusco. Go find it yourself lolol. RM6 per head for medium room. CHEAP HOR!??! And we don't even have to purchase food or drinks to sing. Unlike Dreambox in DP. Expensive like shit. But okay fine medium room is like freaking not medium at all it is so freaking small. RM6 is very cheap already lah what else I want somemore? Lol I should stop complaining. 

Heh. I think that concludes today. Had great company and awesome conversations with the people I love. 
What more could I ask for? 



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