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Chapter 235: Chiang Mai Part II!

Hey hey~! So I am gonna continue blogging about my trip to Chiang Mai! Where was I ah?! And have you noticed that I didn't blog much about the food? That's the one thing I wasn't really satisfied about the whole trip! Most of the meals were buffet style so the food was almost the same. And then some of the meals were Chinese food lah. But we go Thailand to try out their food right? Lol. Except for one meal though. TOMYAM omnomnomz. The soup was awemazing. Would love a bowl right now hahahah. Okay. Let's continue.

We went back to Chiang Mai from Chiang Rai. Another 4-hour ride holy shit. Third day was the most boring lololol. Thus, the lack of pictures. But here are some.
We went to The White Temple first.

Damn majestic hor. Sorry for my lack of photography skills. Couldn't get a better shot lol. 

My brother, some random statue with a swag pose, and our kawaii tour guide hahahah.

UH. Then I forgot where we went already. But as I said this day was very boring lah hahah I don't think we went to any interesting places also. O_O
Oh ya, we went to Gems Gallery. No pictures because it was a boring place. Meh. Our family is not into gems and jewels. We are only interested in food lol. 
Then a leather factory I think. Another boring place hahahaha all expensive like shit I also got nothing to say.
In the end, our schedule progressed faster than expected so the tour guide had to bring us to Sweety House to buy omnoms.( It was supposed to be next day). 
Wah, their maggie mee hen cheap eh! 10 packets for 60 bahts. Which is equivalent to about RM6.
I haven't tried yet you know. 
We met another tour in the shop. They were from Macau I guess. Damn crazy their shopping. Can buy till not enough money to pay wtf. Your home country got no food is it LOL. Jk.
So that ended our Day 3 in Chiang Mai. Hen sien hor? .___. 

Day 4! It was the most exciting and terrifying one in my opinion lol you'll understand later. 
This day we were gonna visit lotsa animals! Say real one I am not an animal lover nor do I hate them. 
First stop. Maesa Elephant Camp!!! 

The elephants are quite pitiful actually. Forced to do things. But then again, they are fed, bathed and played with here. So I guess everything has its good and bad lor. 

We had the opportunity to have a ride on the elephant! 
These pics are taken from my suckish phone so bear with the quality pls haha.
The owner bathing this little elephant!

Me and my mama on the elephant yay. 

Jia Sheng went on the ride alone LOL such bravery.

Then we went to feed the elephants. Okay, I was quite scared.

My brotha with le bananas which got swooped in one second when he left it on the floor by an elephant ._____. 

Then the elephants proceeded to have their shower in the river. 


After that it was the Elephant Show. I didn't take pics because I was lazy. :P 
Though I did take a few with my mom's phone but yes I am lazy to go fetch the phone to transfer pics thus no pics for you to see. Muahaha. 

The elephants are so intelligent. They could play the harmonica, play basketball/football and draw!
Their drawings were displayed and sold. Quite expensive. Around 2000-3000 bahts. 
Honestly their paintings were unbelievably pretty! Imagine the amount of time put in to perfect the paintings.
I salute them. 

Then we went to the Monkey School! THIS ONE I LAGI SCARED WTH. 
As we all know, monkeys are damn fierce even if trained lolol. 
The tour guide said the monkeys can touch us but we cannot touch them. O_O
Makes it even more scary.
Once again, no pictures because I was afraid the monkeys would grab them .____.
Paranoid me is paranoid. 

Next stop, we went to see cobras. 

Only one pic HAHAHAH because the rest were blur wth. 

THIS COBRA SHOW HOR. KNS make me almost get heart attack.
The dude there said the snake was jumpy and it could jump very high lol. 
Then he attempted to pull the snake out of the basket. 
I hid behind my mom. My brother and Jia Wei siam to each side of the bench ahahahah. 
But guess what? The snake wasn't a snake. IT WAS A PIECE OF ROPE goddammit.
Walao luckily I got no heart attack. -____-
Good experience though HAHAHAHA. 

Next, we went to Long-neck Village. The place we were all anticipating to go! Haha. It was something different for all of us. Although at first I was quite scared because the long necks were quite gross to me lolol. I was wrong. The girls in the village are all so pretty :))) 
I kinda pity them that they had to go through the process of making their necks longer. /:
But what to do. It's their culture. 
Picture time!

Pretty lady! This girl is not from the Long-neck family. They had many other types of families in the village staying together lah!

This pretty little girl has make up on at such a young age! 
It is said to attract more tourists. 

I am guessing this woman is the oldest and has the longest neck in the village!
Amazing yet scary at the same time. O_O

Hahahaha asked to go learn about the culture of the Long-neck people but ended up playing with pups! 
SO KAWAII. Made me think of my Tangtang that was given away months ago. :'( 

Anyways! Next we went to Umbrella Factory which was recommended by my aunt.
We had no other place to go already lah lololol.
We ended up eating vendor food which was damn cheap RM0.50 for a stick of 4 small fishballs zomg.
And damn yummy also lor! It is like loklok in Malaysia ba. Ate around 3-4 sticks ahahahah.

Pic stolen from mom's facebook nyahaha. Me, mama and aunt. :B 

The next day we went back in the morning. My mom, uncle, Jia Sheng and Jia Yong vomited the night before. O_O 
Luckily we were going back on that day. Haiz. Jialat. 

This time on the plane they placed me with my family! 
A flight is so much more fun with my brother beside me HAHAHAHA. 
Anyways, it was a super fun trip!!! 
Next year I hope we are going to Australia or Taiwan LOLOLOL. :B 

Btw BBQ yesterday was GREAT! I'll blog about it tomorrow maybe. 
But tomorrow I am going out with Dion (she's going for NS soon T_T) so I see first okay! 



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