....and you feel extremely old. ;A;
Yesterday was my 18th birthday. I couldn't have chosen to spend it any other way. I met up with my girls for a yamcha session cos coincidentally Phui Zee and Jia Ying came back from college. Coincidentally it was my birthday too, so they bought me a chocolate cake. Thanks girls I really appreciate it!
Campfire burning~ Campfire burning~~~
Normally I'd look like shit when my picture is taken from above lol but this is exceptional.
Wouldn't have survived high school without these peeps. Love y'all long time.
We talked about college, hottie hot hotties in college, judge people, yellow inside jokes HAHAHAHA. These are the people who get me and understand me the most. The people who understand my lame shit jokes and yet laugh after all. The people who would stand by me even when the whole world is against me. The people I can trust. How I wish all of us could be studying in the same classroom again. So that we can laugh at teachers' (LOLOL) bad pronunciation, and eat in class, and make random shit up. Seriously sometimes I can't give my college friends DAT face when something sensitive comes up and they won't laugh with me for sure. :( but maybe we have yet to reach that same level of frequency I guess. College buddies, don't kill me if you see this hehehe.
Yee Huei and Xin Yi went back early though.
It was a simple celebration. Once again, thank you people. And I personally like tweets and texts and calls as wishes though, cos they're not mainstream HAHAHA. Ok lah, all wishes are important! Thank you :) As I grow up I realize that the greatest gifts are always around whenever I need them. So I can't be thankful enough. My birthday wish would be for everyone to be healthy and happy always, and don't ever forget to be grateful! :)
I might not do all these #100happydays or #365grateful tags but I know I'm happy and grateful so I don't need those tags to remind me.
Happy Birthday Celine Tan, you're officially no longer a kid and therefore you'd have to pay more when buying entrance tickets or whatever tickets during your vacation. You're an adult now and therefore have more responsibilities over your own sad life. F your life.
I'm kidding. I don't feel any wiser or older tbh .____. I'm forever 16 thanks.
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