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Showing posts from June, 2013

Chapter 229 : Trials

Hey peopur. I know I haven't been blogging lately and this is somehow only my second post this year LOL. I'm sorry. Been busy with life and you know lah. So what actually happened these few months... - Scout activities + Preparations for King Scout test/pentarafan - King Scout Test - Midterm exams - Piano Grade 7 exam It had been really challenging for me as I couldnt really cope and balance everything together. Freaking tough because I aint a robot. But I'm glad I got through all those already. And as Taylor Swift would say in her song, "What's past is past." So I dont see the need to bawl and cry over the past. Why dont we look forward to the future? Anyways, SPM Trials is like in 72 days and counting. Tough luck I might say, cos I am obviously not prepared at all. To be honest, I would have to work a hundred times harder than my classmates because I didnt prepare for my first monthly test and midterms. I got bad results due to my wastage of time for th