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Chapter 279: Thoughts about ACCA + Results

The only feeling I got from this round of finals. Nah who am I kidding? It's relief mixed with disappointment, anger, frustration, sadness and...lots more wtf. What. Girls are emotional beings ok. HAHAHA. The feeling of relief kind of ruled everything out though. I felt relief for every paper, though the realization that I didn't do so well hit me seconds later LOL.

The thing about CBE is that we are given the opportunity to know our results immediately after clicking "OK". To be frank, I neither like it nor dislike it. Sure there are advantages like getting to know your results straight away without having to have post-exam worries. It can also prevent students from cheating too, since everyone is given different sets of questions.

There are also downsides to it though (in my opinion). Like I said, everyone has different sets of questions, which makes it unfair, because if you're lucky, you get the easier questions and if you're not, well good luck to you. And the thing is, they don't really test you on the overall syllabus. Some of us might get more questions on this chapter (which is totally a bonus if you get the easier ones), and some of us might not. Some of us just miss out on a chapter altogether.

A crucial part is that some of the questions are not even the syllabus. The question bank is a complicated vortex of doom. It has TONNES of questions from EVERYWHERE like ACCA, ICAEW and even CIMA? Well that's the information I got from my lecturer. Hence, to score well, other than pure hard work, you'd have to also be very lucky, and you might also need to read other stuff other than your textbook. Ok lah actually you can score well by just working hard and be lucky HAHAHAH but then to achieve World Prize...that's a mystery. Sigh.

Now let's talk about World Prize. Ah yes, the ultimate award for all ACCA candidates. *HEAVY SIGH*

Ever since coming to Sunway, heck even before I came to Sunway, I've been looking at names appearing in papers and the list of fame thinking, "What would it feel to be one of the greatest in the world?"

I STILL FEEL THE SAME WAY. *runs away crying*

It would definitely be a dream come true to achieve one of the highest awards in ACCA. Of course, it is so much easier said than done. We would often look at the high achievers and think to ourselves, "Hey that isn't so hard. All we have to do is just study all day and night!" Nope. You're WRONG. We don't know what the achievers have gone through, so we can't blindly judge. It takes a whole lot more than hard work definitely. It's about finding the right way to study while not losing interest in that particular subject. It's about being curious all the time and asking the right questions. It's about knowing more than what you are actually required to. (Easier said than done, again.) Striking a nice balance between interest and studies is not an easy task. Sigh.

I will be bullshitting if I said I didn't want the fame. Yes, initially I just wanted the glory, but after knowing the benefits that come along with it, woah, just WOAH. You get a full scholarship for the whole CAT course and 50% for ACCA. Who wouldn't want that? Plus you get cash once you graduate. Now THAT's what I'm in for. Our parents work so hard to bring us up; it's time to repay by getting that damn scholarship man.

Other than that, the urge to fulfill my self-actualization need is quite strong in this one. For the longest time, I've always felt inferior to people, like I'm not at my full potential yet. It's always the feeling that I just can't be the best of the best. True, we don't need to compete with other people to prove that we're the best. We're the best of ourselves blah blah blah yeah I totally get that man. But sometimes, we all need a little push to know what we're really capable of.

Alright, thoughts aside, my results this time....hmm. I don't know. I am feeling quite neutral because they aren't that good yet they aren't that bad either. So....

FA2 (Maintaining Financial Records) - 90 (Aimed 100)
MA2 (Managing Costs and Finance) - 86 (Aimed 9X)
FAB (Accountant in Business) - 74 (Aimed 80)
FMA (Foundation in Management Accounting) - 80 (Aimed 8X)

Yep. I said so much advisory crap and yet I got this kind of average marks hahaha. Sorry that I'm dumb. I really tried my best already though (Lol worst excuse ever seriously). Overall I am quite satisfied except for FAB, but's over already lah.

I'll make sure to do better next sem. FFA, FAU and FTX, HERE I COMEEE.

World Prize - just a dream? Maybe. 




  1. Your results are good.How to you study for your ACCA exams?What resources you use?Give me some advice...I've never given CBE.Its gonna be my first time

    1. Thanks! I assume you're the same reader as my 2015 post? Hahah. My way of studying is to do a lot of exercises. I use BPP and Kaplan and also my lecturer's notes of course. CBE or paper-based, it's the same. Just make sure you are prepared enough before going for the exam. Cheers!


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