- Chapter 114 : USAHA CAMP!! I'm back =) ; Reminder : This is quite a long post. Mostly about my opinions and stuff like that. If you don't wanna read, kindly exit this web. Hahahaha. Lalala. Finally back ! Very tiredddd. But not as bad as last year's orientation camp. Improved! MUAHAHAHA. Shall I write out the schedule? @@ 26-3-10 * I straight away skip to the tent-pitching part* Yeah, so when we were pitching the tent, it rained. Quite heavily O-O After the tent, changed to Half-U. *Oh shit, I forgot what happened next* Did ikatan at canteeeen. Sheep shank is damn hard ! But luckily Steven Lim know how to teach. wakaka. Next should be the compound gadgets. and the compound itself. Joined with Hui Lun and the other girl. Built the gadgets, with a little ( actually a lot ) help from the helpers (eg. Agnes, Khay Syeen. ) XD Wen Keat came along and helped us with the Pintu Gerbang. He pro leh ~ Lalalala after that, dinner timeeeee. ...