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- Chapter 114 : USAHA CAMP!! I'm back =) ;

Reminder : This is quite a long post. Mostly about my opinions and stuff like that. If you don't wanna read, kindly exit this web. Hahahaha.

Lalala. Finally back !
Very tiredddd. But not as bad as last year's orientation camp. Improved! MUAHAHAHA.
Shall I write out the schedule? @@

* I straight away skip to the tent-pitching part*

Yeah, so when we were pitching the tent, it rained. Quite heavily O-O
After the tent, changed to Half-U. *Oh shit, I forgot what happened next*
Did ikatan at canteeeen. Sheep shank is damn hard ! But luckily Steven Lim know how to teach. wakaka.
Next should be the compound gadgets. and the compound itself.
Joined with Hui Lun and the other girl.
Built the gadgets, with a little ( actually a lot ) help from the helpers (eg. Agnes, Khay Syeen. ) XD
Wen Keat came along and helped us with the Pintu Gerbang. He pro leh ~
Lalalala after that, dinner timeeeee.
Guess what we ate? MAGGIE  ~ CW gave me one of his because I didn't bring the cup one.
Later, it was Pertolongan Cemas.
Guek and Aaron taught us all the " carries " XD
Darling carry, blah blah blah. All learnt from Bomba Course .
and Sandra & Khay Syeen taught us the bandages thingy.
The course was okay lah, not so boring.
 Erm, then it was Morse Code. That was kinda cool. Using the torchlight ~
Oh ya, I didn't bathe =)  Lazy lah. No electric somemore :P


Woke up at 5:00 A.M. Just to bathe. Wulalaaaa, didn't think it'd be so cold in the morning -.-
Still no electric so we took turns to take the torchlight. Megan bathe until so long = = even though she didn't wash her hair. sweat.
I was the last to come out -.- BECAUSE OF MEGAN LAH!!!! Haiyo.
Morning inspection came next . Grrr, damn pekcek one. = =
This one cannot that one cannot. Walao ehhh.
Last year's one was better =D
I became the Ketua Kompaun =-= Report to Agnes. Lol, so weirddd.
Selamat pagi, puan. Kami dari Kompaun 1, terdiri daripada 6 orang perempuan, sedia untuk menerima pemeriksaan pada pagi ini.
So long mia . @@
Kena scolding cse we didn't lay out the way they wanted us to.
Everything so messyyyy. Haiz.
We ate bread + egg for breakfast.
Atikah cooked it for us but she sendiri never eat also =.= Merajuk or something. Swt, lebih mia.
That time soooo nervous for the Malam Kebudayaan.
Aiya, I forgot what came next. Is it pioneering? Think soo.
Our patrol combined with Patrol 5. We got Titi Goyang.
Build build build ~ Then..we get to rest for 50 minutes. Those who wanna get back the results can go, and those who don't want, can stay at the padang. =.=
PL + APL needa take the buluh thing. Nee Yen and I dunno go there for what. Stand there nia.
So I slept at the corridor there. XD
But one of Nee Yen's member damn noisy. Keep singing dunno what song and keep banging dunno what. Walao eh. Take the buluh and the buluh sticks sleep there. -.-
The backwood cooking was suckish. Didn't get to eat anything. Cse eat liao also will get messy xD
Only ate the Roti Lilit Kai Lin made for me XD
Only a few of us did. = =
Then terbalik PL kena scolding cse didn't ask the members to clean. Not fair lor ~

Arah dan Kompas . Nothing to say about that. Lol. Just like in class lah, learn edi then memorize it.
Halangan Komando. Muahahahaa. The last one quite hard. Almost fell backwards. @@ But luckily I managed to finish it. :P
Phew, later was kawad tongkat.
A bit confused, but nevermind, I'll try my best to remember everything :D
Sedia tongkat like wanna go fight . XDDDD
Yay dinner time, but MAGGIE again. Sooo, I got another cup mee from King Kong . Bwahahaha.
I thought the rest of the patrol members wanted to get from Patrol 1 =-= Scared not enough ma, so I went to Pon's patrol to take lorr.
When I came back, CW told me they wanted to cook water after all. SWEAT SI AHHHH.
After the eating, it was Earth Hour I think -.- Took our torches and sketch scripts. Everybody so gan jiong, keep memorizing and practising. @.@ 

Then they asked us to go to the basketball court. Fulaweh, damn nervous edi. Some people still got mood go take their candles out == 
FIRST PATROL was Nee Yen's patrol 3. They are brilliant =D Love itttt! 
Next was us. awwww, we suck. paiseh wanna write it out here. )=  REALLY REALLY BADDDD! 
Can I skip this part -.- I don't wanna be reminded of this Malam Kebudayaan =.=" 

After all the dramas and songs, we danced and played and blah. LOL. Now THAT was super fun. ;D 
Chilli Cha Cha ~~~ Woooooo! 

Uhm yeah, so we played till ..quite late. XD I'm not sure about the time. 
But they asked us to sleep early, and the next morning, we'll have a special " MORNING CALL " . 
As in Burung Hantu . LOL. 

So we slept, got ready our scarfs and specs and torches at the bags there. In case they suddenly call us to fall in. 
At exactly 2AM, we gotta be outta the tent. walao ehhhh, the hair so sticky and messy. yeeeee. @@
Soooo cold. 
- i shall skip this part -

After the burung hantu, it was like almost 5 am edi!! Omg, siao. Go back sleep till 6, get up and bathe. 
Practise ikatan. 
I ringkaskan the schedule for this day ba. 
Eat, morning inspection, pack up, untie gadgets, clean padang.
The climax part is the test part . wahahahaa. 
My helpers were Wei Hao and Angeline. They were Ok lah, not so strict. =) 
But they asked the functions then I blur at there. Kena 3 times. :( 
Lastly, we gathered and they announced the Best PL, Best APL, Best Boy // Girl Scout..etc. 

Hahahaha, I'll roughly say out all the " Best " : 
Best PL : Wee Yi Zhi  
-Memang pro, no need to say also know will get. Everybody vote him somemore. XD
Best APL : Celine Tan 
-LOL! Unexpectedly it was me -.-  Didn't kawad back after I took the mentos, Best PL told me mia. Hahahaha. 
Best Boy Scout : Peong Khay Tze
-YAY! HAHAHAA. Another BEST for our patrol. Wohooo ~ 
Best Girl Scout : Wong Sze Ting
-YEAH ~ I bet she'll be a good scout in the future =) 
Best Patrol : Patrol 3 
-LOL. The siao patrol. Wheeeee ~~ 
Best Drama : Patrol 3 
Worst Drama : Patrol 5 
-Maybe it was too short? Although I loved the part where the 2 boys fell down. It was soooo real. 

Yeah, so I guess that's all. Omg this post is reaaaally long. If you'd finish it by now, THANK YOU!! ^^ 

MORE TO KNOW: Carmen printed what the whole class wrote at her notebook right? Yeah. And " ALL THE SINGLE LADIES " . == 
If you look closely at MY part, you would see at the first line, " ♥ Some One  xxx " RIGHT?! 
I DID NOT WRITE THAT. SHE ADDED IT . DON'T MISUNDERTAND ME ALRIGHT?!  I'm not the kind of girl you think I am. Don't ask me questions. I didn't do that. 

P.S. : Now my skin is peeeeeling, and yes, I'm black now. Really black. T.T 

celine(: ♥ pan-da

I'm not the kind of girl you think I am. ;


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