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Chapter 123 : TENNIS MSS MELAKA ;

Me back =D
Tennis was awesome. Aww, I miss'em tennis dudes =)
Haha. Haven't seen them for sucha looonnnnnggg time. Okay lah, not that long.
It's just Ong Xie :)
The venues for this year's MSSM were different. :(
Under 15 girls, Under 12 boys and girls were at MITC. How suckish is that?
The others were at MMU. Damn sad lah. Can't even see the others play.

The first day was a bummer.
Ilyanna, Maureen and I sat Mr. Tay's car to Mitc.
HAHA! Awkward moment. and also very sempit :)

I got a bye for the first round which meant that I don't have to play until the second round.
Me as the third seed was a bummer as well.
May Gin was worse because her match was one of the last. Lol. Poor us.
We waited for like freakin' 8 hours lah ! Just to play a merely one hour game. *sighs*
Hahaha, so our 8 hours were spent by..

Playing the swing.
Watching people's matches.
Playing cards.
Mydin ( we just ate there. )
Warming up at the centre court ( yes, we took half the court from the U-12 boys. )
Clapping our hands when Jia Lin lose a point to her opponent. ( LOL!! Xie's idea. XD )

I didn't know how we spent those 8 hours exactly. weird.
Oh right, I nearly lost my phone. I think it slipped off whilst we were walking.
Thank god May Lyn found it outside one of those unrenovated ( is this even in the dictionary..? ) courts. :)
Thanks Lyn ! =D I owe you.
And I would like to thank the others for helping me search my phone. =D

Xie was so anxious and excited to play her second round because she was beginning to feel pekcek. X)
She did some good whacking. Wohoooo. 8-0 babehhh. Awesomeeee.
I won Natassja ( sorry don't know how to spell ) by 8-1. Didn't know what happened during that game :O
Gin won dunno who by 8-0 too.

Ilyanna and Maureen met in the second round.
Their game was very close. 8-7. Lol.

So by the end of the day, only a few St. Davidians were left.
I think..Matthew Yap, Wen Xing, Yz, June, Darren, Ethan, Ilyanna and me.

Others lost :(  too bad...

Second day..hmm.
Quarterfinals :)
It was so darn fast. Faster than the day before. Like seriously -__-
Okay so Ilyanna and I reached school quite early..HAHA.
We thought we were the only ones going! I texted June who was super blur and thought she was late. XD
Luckily June came or else it was gonna be another awkward moment again.
Mr. Tay dropped off Ethan and June at MMU before fetching us to MITC.
Gawd, the courts and the people at MMU looked scary! I mean, in a good
Meaning that they're pros lahh.

I thought we were late or something.
Xie and the others weren't even there yet (:
So we went warm up lorh. A while later, Xie came along to the court with Jia Lin.
" SIAM! " was her greeting...=.=

Blah blah blah. Xie was the first to play.
Her opponent was Yong Yan :) That sweet looking girl. Haha!
Next was me.. :P  My opponent was Kokky ( they called her that..i know - weird. ) 
Kok Wei Vern is her real name. 
So after May Gin and Jia Lin finished their quarterfinals respectively, we played the semifinals.
I lost to Xie! As expected anyways. XD 
3-6, 2-6. She fang shui ~ 
Or else it'd be 0-6, 0-6. Maybe worse - NEGATIVE. LOL. 

May Gin and Jia Lin's semifinals were like OMG, as in..
both-of-them-are-really-good-and-we-don't-know-who-might-win. :D 
May Gin was down 1-6. and you wouldn't guess who won. 
May Gin won! But it really was a good fight! May Gin, you rock! Jia Lin, you rock too! 
Love both of you. (: 
The score - 1-6, 7-6, 6-4. 
Erm, so it rained before they even finished playing. Sorry I revealed the score first ~ 
Ilyanna, Kokky, Yong Yan and I were like hiding in the playground thingy when it started raining very very heavily. LOL.
Yong Yan took her 2 umbrellas and passed it to us. We tried to cover ourselves but it freakin' didn't work. * Of course lah Walao* 
So the coaches asked us to run to the Centre Court. IT WAS FUN! 
But then my bag went wet and soggy. So was Ilyanna's. -.- 
I stalked Ilyanna in the Centre Court tryina see her messages >D 
Yes, I'm evil like that. NGEK NGEK NGEK! 

I noticed that they renovated the courts quite nicely. All brand new! 
Especially the CC! The broken lamps replaced by new ones; Seats replaced by cemented ones(?); Old unused switches replaced by white sparkly ones..etc. 
I LOVE'EM NEW COURTS! No more "bengkaks" on the courts. hahahaa.

So today I sms-ed Ilyanna.
Ilyanna's playoffs were weird. The pengelolas are even weirder lah dammit.
Maybe she has to play against them again. It's not fair! 
The pengelolas don't even know what they're doing. Poor Ilyanna. But let's hope for the best alright. 

Today was the finals. I mean just now. 
It rained quite heavily.
So they declared the winner by the first set. 
The U-12 boys had to toss the coin to decide the winner WTF?
( as May Gin told me in the sms. ) 
If it was me, I'd sue them ;D 

Haha I didn't take my medal. =P
Sms-ed May Gin and asked her to call Wen Xing to help me take it. 

So that marked the end of my MSSM story. :) 
Awesome, ain't it ? 

Oh just admit it. HAHAHA! 

celine(: ♥ pandarocks.

Best week of the year :D


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