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Chapter 125 : Mid-year's = R.I.P.  ;

Apparently I'm not all ready for the coming Mid-year's. It's killing me. 
I probably should be studying now. Hehe. 
Yesterday my brother went to buy a new phone. 
Whereas for me, I'm using his old phone now. (: 
My phone spoils and he gets a new phone? Lol very nice. 

For now, I haven't even reach half of my subjects. 
Maybe a quarter. I am officially dead. Especially my KH! @.@ 
I hope miracle happens and I remember everything. XD 
Miracles are very powerful you know! 
Which makes it seldom happen! SHIT -.-

SHTI! Syarikat Hindia Timur .... fck I forgot. 
Soooo much for putting great effort into studying Sejarah. 
Hah actually I didn't really put great "effort" . (: 

Science and KH is gonna rip my heart of my chest. 
Maths. goddamnit. 
I am so so so so so dead this time. 
I won't get good grades, which means my mom won't let me go online everyday anymore. T_T

THUS, I must get a grip and studayyyh. 
My Mp3 is my life saver. MUSIC SAVE SOULS. *__*

Grandma's place is so not a good place to study.
Because once you get there, and see the soft lumpy sofa,
you'd totally lose yourself and sleep there. 
Hahahaha. I do it everytime. Woolalaa~ 
Today, I woke up at 2:40. Slept at ..11 ? 
Oh yes, today was quite a gray day. No tennis. T-T 

Wee Wang Wang ~~ 
Liow sent me 2AM's new single. 
It's sooo sweet. 
Did I mention I LOVE LOVE LOVE sweet songs?! 
I love MBLAQ's One Better Day too. <3 
It makes me...think of....
stuff. :D  
* don't be a pervert and say some ___ kind of things *

-Currently charging my life saver- 
It's tired ! It's been entertaining me in my Grandma's house for hours. (:

I just notice how lag the darn laptop is. Even backspacing is hard. So slow. -__-
Lulala lulala lula lula leyy ~ 

Polluting my blog. Wakaka. 

Well, if you feel like the world is turning their backs on you,
just think of me, because I'll be there for you; 
wherever and whenever. (: 

My ass. 

3rd Degree's New Single is some NEXT LEVEL SHIT yowh. 
I feel gangsta these days. LOL!

So I guess that's all. 

For those who are chiong-ing for Mid-year's,


Finish'em exams in a gangsta way. HAHAHA.
Bang the tables after you finish your papers and say " I'm FLY YOWH! " XD!! 



celine (: ♥ fly.
just cse you're my number 1. 

do you only think of me as your friend? ;


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