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Chapter 127 : The Horror O____O ; 

What's worse than Mid-Year's Examinations? 


Yes indeed. 

And for these few days, as in Exam Week, I don't think I'm going to sit down here and online. 
You know why? If you don't Imma slap your face. 
Okay, so if you don't see me online,
don't go to school and say,




Sweat. Whatever. I ain't a fan of studying so why do you ask me that. 
I hardly have time for myself kayyy. 

Today's training was terrible ;( 
Didn't enjoy a bit of it. 
Believe me when I say it was terrible, because it truly is! 
Especially Physical and Footwork Training. Gawddammit. 
It's like....omgi'mgoingtodieanyminuteorsecondnow. T_T
I don't want Physical Training anymore! It's tiring! 

Kylie accidentally hit me with a balllll. It wasn't all that painful but my spectacles went senget a bit. LOL. 
But luckily the lens didn't break. (: 

Another round of Centralized Training on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
So if I'm not online on those days,
do not ask me where I went, what was I doing. Blah blah.

Mr.Kuan told us that we're going to play with the THREE P'S. 
As in Perak, Perlis and Penang. Lol. Poor us :( 

 Hah, you won't believe me,
but I'mma go jogging with my mom tomorrow at 7AM. LOL! 
I wanna be fit. I have no freaking stamina. 

Well, if you're wondering, I'm now alone at home. 
I should start studying now. 
Or else I won't have the time. 
Oh nevermind, since it's gonna be so damn quiet in the house,
I'm going to watch FRENCH OPEN. 
Novak Djokovic is playing now!! HAHAHAHAHHAA. 
He reminds me of someone though... ;(

Novak Djokovic FTW! 

celine (: ♥ ftwftwftw. 

I miss you so.


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