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Chapter 124 : A day when teachers are appreciated.  not. ;

Right. Today is/was (?) Teacher's Day ~~ YAY!!! <-- Siao.
Okay. It wasn't as fun as last year's. ( No performances, no funny stuff happened..-.- )
PLUS it was boring as hell.
The performance? Urgh.
The people who performed can just go back to their primary schools. 
Yes I'm insulting. I saw one of the prefect's face go like o.O . Hahaha! 
Mr. Rama's son is so friggin' cute! His speech was quite good for a 13-year-old like him. =D 
I wouldn't even dare go up the stage, despite being in SnD class for months now.

Well I guess the fun part was when they announced the "Guru yang paling cantik " etc etc.
Guru yang paling kacak was of course, our beloved headmaster - Mr. Chay Yew Choon. LOL!
Guru yang paling cantik - our lovely Geography teacher - Puan Chee Li Min. She's really prettyyyy (: 
And a buncha other "prestigious awards" . 

Afterthat we had to clear the basketball court to let the teachers play lame and stupid games. 
Waited for damn long and had to stay under the scorching hot sun. Almost became burnt shooo-shayyy-shirsss ( In case if you're wondering, it's sausages said in a British weird way. Cool eh? XD ) 
I can even fry an egg on my head. 
The games were - as I've predicted - lame. =) 
and sort of boring. 
I mean..bouncing tennis balls on a tennis racquet and run back and forth? 
C'mon lah. You can do better than that. 
Bowling using a coconut husk-like thingy ( or is it memang coconut husk? o.O ) and bottles of water as the bowling pins? 
That was Oklah. XD Kinda entertaining.

Hmm..the worst part of all was when it was recess time.
EVERYBODY was in the already-sempit canteen. 
&& only a few tables can be seated but it was alllll occupied; most of'em by boys. -__-
Uncivilized boys I tell you! Lol. Only some lah. 
There were cute chocolate cupcakes on one particular table.
They looked yummy ;P But of course, they were for the teachers. 
( I bribed asked mom to steal take one for me. Keke. )

The rest of the school day was spent in class.
Doing what? MATHS.
I know you can't, right?!
Hahaha not exactly lerh. Just revisions. (:
Yee Huei was beside me that time and we had practically nothing to do. 
We were like nerds. Oh don't call me a nerd, call me an intellectual badass instead! LOL. 
Solving problems and then got happy about it. Zz. 
Epic man. 

The second best thing about TD is that we could dismiss at 12 PM.
Awesome wehh. 

Yeah, so our TD was spent like this. I went back home and cook Maggieee. My cooking skills are getting better by the day. MUAHAHAHAHA. But my egg shrunk though. :O 
Hmph, I'm STILL hungry! I guess I must eat my dinner before I go tuition. Then maybe after tuition I can have a Ramlee Burger. OH YEAH. HAHAHA! 
I'ma be fat after all this. 

This is what I do when I'm bored. --- nothing. 

celine (:



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